New York.

I thanked for the FLYGTUR, and walked out from the plane. It was very wet in the air, like I expected. I was on JFK International Airport, at the same time the President fly away, to a secret place. A yellow taxi came driving and I waves in it. The taxi driver asked were I should go.
- I don't now actually, I answer.
- But, you most know were you are going. I can´t drive you to nowhere.
- Okey, let see, maybe to my father, do you know who my father is?
- I think so, is your father Roffe Van Der Woodsen?
- Exactly. Can you drive me to his hotel on Upper East Side?
- Okey.

The nice staff toke up my bag to my suite. I didn't need to reserve a room. I meant a suite,I have a own room, in all of my fathers hotels. Now I should go and see New York. I started to walk to Central Park, a park who are 3.5 square meters long. I saw a lot off green, tourist and some peaple sunbathe. I thought it was a good ide, so I law down on the grass. After a few hours, I woke up, because I got a football in my head. I had a hollow feeling my stomache, i hadn't eat sense I eat cookies whit Barrack and Michelle, if cookies is food.

I passed Elaine's, as my fahter talked much about. A restaurant whit many rich peaple, and celeritys, so I fit there. A warm feeling came to my body when I walked in to the restaurant, I can't describe that feeling. I eat a pasta, and it wasn't a special food. but, it was really nice there. I didn't eat a dessert, I thinked to do that on a other restaurant, who has the world famous Frrrozen hot chocolate. I really love chocolate!

At the sametime I drinked my chocolate, I looked out on the street. In three minutes it has passed 50 yellow taxis. Really funny, actually, the cars is yellows, but the buildings is grey and boring. Apart from my fathers hotel, it's light green, my favourit color. When my chocolate was empty I walked by to Elaine's. On my way there, I started to think, why is every one so stressed here in New York? I stopped walking, and I get many elbows, knees and get pushed away. Oh, I got it, every one wanted to came to the sale on Gucci, and started walk to Elaine's.

Whit a big smile on my lips came I out from Elaine's, I had talked whit theires owner, and now was that restaurant mine. A new plate was the only thing I wanted to changing, lucky me that i had ordered a plate from Island, who would arive next day. I called Vendela, and she answer after a few secounds.  
- Did you find a restaurant?
- I did it.
- Congratulation, but where?
- On manhattan, Upper East Side.
- Which restaurant?
- Elaine's, but now the name is Emelie vd Woodsen.
- So, we can move now?
- Yeah, but I live in my fathers hotel, you can do it to, with your husband.

Now was the most of things arrange. Vendela should starting to work on my restaurant , the plate should came, but someone more should came. Everyone I met on my U.S trip. The pair from Sweden, the family from New York, who I met in San Diego. And the girl from the mall, Jane. I called the hotel, and asked them if they could searching after the number to all of them, at the sametime I went to Rockefeller Center. 

I walked slow, and looked at the all peoples and buildings, and I regret that I didn't travel here whit my best friend, Jonna. She had unfortunately moved to her mother, in Uganda, on intangible time, and that was very sad, but now shouldn't be sad. I was here to have fun. Think if I could be here at christmas. Whit a cold nose, a latte in my hand, and see at the famous Christmas tree and all the lamps, at the sametime the tourist taken photos. Whatta feeling. I had seen many movies that they was here, on Rockefeller Center and looking at the Christmas tree. My father had told me some funny thinga about the Christmas tree, the tree most have police escort, to the place that it going to stand. The clock was too much, I feeled a big attraction after my favourite ice cream, Ben & Jerry's, so I started to walk home. 

Inside the hotel, the staff wondering if I was hungry, thirsty, tired, all of the question they could be able to ask, and it was very terrible. I told them that I wanted two parcel whit Ben & Jerry's, and if they could leave me alone. It was streanuous to have a father whit many money, I think and take a deep breath inside. 

Next day I woke up very rested, I had sleeped 13 hours, but it was something to gnaw in my back head. What was it i'm going to do this day? Oh, I remenber, my meeting whit my new staff, 9 o' clock today, and it was ten minutes to nine. I run in my apartment and looking after clothes, and I feeled the panic grow, for every breath I taken. I should make it, and run out from my room. Everyone looked on me like I was crazy, when I run in the looby, but I didn't care about that. Everyone knew that I had bought Elaine's, so it was standing about ten paparazzis outside the hotel. So I ran out on the street, in front of a yellow taxi. I knock on the pane, because he should stay, and he did it, so I jumped into the car and I scream to him.
The taxi driver looked crazy at me, but he drived away. He looked into the mirror and understand, when he saw all the flashlight and paparazzis. The man as sitting on my left side looked like he was a really business man, he had a costume and a bag, whit his name on it, Arnold Davis. Arnold looked like he was a lawyer, and act like one, he was so boring. The only thing he talk about was the FINANSKRIS, and I didn't care about that. I tried to talk whit the driver, but he was so concentrade on his driving. The paparazzis had taken up the driving after us, and it was a really traumatic experience, I thought I needed go to a therapist. I wondered were i was, at the same time we past a plate, and it stand Harlem on it. Outside the window I saw very disgusting house. Some dark persons standed and selled sould drugs. I get shudders on my body, this was a unpleasant place. Arnold was really scared, i saw that, because he was white in his face. I asked the driver if he could drive away, and he did it, the paparazzis wasn't after us anymore.

The smell of noodles make my stomach to rumbling, when we passed Chinatown, so I told the driver to stop, and his name was actually Richard. When I should pay my noodles, I couldn't find my wallet, and I knew I had taken it early at the day. I looked at the taxi, but the taxi wasn't there. Could it was Arnold who taken it? But, I think Richard should see him then. I didn't know what to do, this day was terrible, the clock had exactly pass twelve. I call the hotel and wondered if they could send a limousine, and wondering why I didn't done it before. 

It came a wave of happiness when I saw the limousine, I became relieved and angry, at the sametime. When I was in the limousine, I scream so much. My driver, Charles, asked what happend, and I told the hole story, from the beginning to the end. Charles wondered if we should go to the police, and we did it.

The women who sat in te reception was really surly, she had hers corner of the mouth against the knees, and snub to me, when I tried to talk to her, but Charles could talk to her. Another women came and talk to us, her name was Angelina Wattson. 
- What is your name? Asked Angelina.
- My name is Emelie Van Der Woodsen, and this is Charles Bass. 
- Van Der Woodsen, hah? Follow me please. 
Charles and I followed her, to a room. The chief of the police was sitting beside his desk, he has his legs on the desk, and eating a donut and looked like a potato. He dried his mouth whit his skirt. He introduce him self a Eric Badgley, and wondered what happend? I told the story, and I didn't care about the wallet, but I had a earring there. This earring meant everything for me, because i got it from my mother, and she died in a boat accident, at the French riviera. 
- Was it another in the taxi, at the same time? Eric asked. 
- Yes it was a man, and his name was Arnold, and the taxidrivers name was Richard. 
- This has happen before, you are not the first victim. Arnold and Richard "works" whit steal anothers wallets. They drive against Upper East side, there it live many rich people. 

Jag var väldigt besviken då jag lämnade polishuset, det gick inte att få tillbaka min plånbok, eftersom polisen trodde att Arnold och Richard hade lämnat landet. För de hade skickat en bil till Arnolds hem i Harlem, det var därför han var rädd när vi körde där, och det fanns inte några saker där. Charles undrade om jag ville fara till min restaurang, för att prata med min personal, och det gjorde vi. Min fina personal förlät mig, och vi skulle ha mötet i morgon i stället. Vendela skulle desutom komma i morgon, vilket gjorde det hela mycket roligare.

När jag klev in i mitt rum möttes jag av en glad överaskning, Vendela hade kommit en dag tidigare, medans hennes man skulle komma dagen efter. Det var väldigt roligt, nu hade jag någon att riktigt prata med. Hon undrade hur jag hade haft det, och hur det skulle vara att äga en egen restaurang. Jag berättade precis hur jag kände mig, nervös, men väldigt glad. Vendela frågade om vi kunde beställa chokladen, som jag fick på min choklad i Miami. Självklart kunde vi det, så vi skulle gå till min restaurang och beställa det. 

Vi ringde till choklad fabriken och de sa att det skulle ta en vecka innan den kom, eftersom det var ett underskott på lastbilar, för att en av New Yorks näringar är deras export, så alla lastbilar är upptagna. Jaha, så var de med det, ingenting vi kunde något åt. Så jag och Vendela började planera min fest, eller vad jag skulle kalla det. Den skulle vara i morgon, så vi kände oss ganska stressade, alla som jag kontaktat skulle komma, och det gjorde mig glad. plötsligt ringde min mobil, och på displayen stod det pappa, han ringde aldrig på min mobil. Jag svarade, och fick höra något jag inte ville höra.

Jag satt i min pappas privatplan, jag hade vätskebrist för att jag hade gråtit så mycket. Min pappa hade ringt för att berätta att min hund dött, min älskade hund, Lucifer. Pappas assistent Miranda skulle gå ut med honom, på promenaden blev han ihjäl biten av en annan hund, som kom rusandes mot honom. Jag skulle förmodligen resa tillbaka, jag kan inte glömma bort min restaurang. Nu skulle jag bara hem, och begrava min hund. Det här var ett väldigt tragiskt slut på min roliga resa och jag skulle aldrig glömma den... 



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